In my opinion, today’s mainstream golf teacher is very one-dimensional and can only help players wishing to improve in a very limited way. I know a lot of pros will highly disagree with this view but hear me out.
I’m not saying it’s they’re fault, per say, but a LOT more goes into your golf improvement plan than trying to flatten someone’s golf swing or having them line up square.
What if you go to a golf lesson and the instructor wants to to complete a fuller turn but come to find out your body cannot get into that position easily? it might be more of a biomechanics issue than a swing issue. If you don’t have that knowledge how can you assess it?
What if you typically have excellent front nines but in the middle of the round you never fail to produce a number of double-bogeys? Well, could be any number of things including proper nutrition. Did you (or do you) have on a regular basis a couple of sugar coated cider donuts and a large coffee before your typical round? Uhhhh, maybe a peanut butter protein bar and a banana might be a better choice. Maybe that’s your answer (or certainly part of it).
What if you just cannot shake the dreaded banana-slice despite seeing your golf pro repeatedly? Maybe your golf clubs need to be custom-fitted to your unique swing speed and style. I don’t think once, in all the lessons I have taken in the past fews years that any pro has even looked at my equipment. I mean, it might be as easy as changing the weights slightly on your driver.
What is just went through a trying divorce and you’re trying to compete at the highest level? What if you have “unfinished business” that you need to take of to set your mind (and body) free to play your best golf ever? (and coincidentally, have your best LIFE ever!)
I mean who’s looking at the big picture? Who is looking at YOU as an individual golfer who has strengths, weaknesses, challenges, hopes, goals, etc.
What I truly think is missing is a new kind of golf professional. Someone that has a more holistic view of the game. That can assess at a “big picture” level.
What has lead me to this conclusion? Well, I consider myself somewhat of a Tim Ferriss (of The 4-Hour Work Week fame) for golf. I’ve allowed myself to be a laboratory rat for all sorts of golf experimentation. I like to give myself all sorts of mini-experiments — in the name of golf, of course!
I’ve been to golf biomechanics experts, fitness specialists and PGA instructors. I’ve been custom-fitted for clubs way too many times, golfed around the globe, have tried all sorts of crazy nutritional supplements, reviewed tons of cool (and dumb) golf products, tried (and bought) just about every golf training aid known to man.
I’ve done Trager work, myofacial release, Trigger Point Massage, Alexander Technique, hypnosis, chiropractic, acupuncture, meditation, neuromuscular education, isometric training, ballistic training, Chi-Gong, Aikido and many others I’m sure I’m forgetting.
The point of this is not to be braggadocios in any way, only that I naturally have an immense curiosity of all these modalities and how they can help (or not help) your golf game. I think “help” is not really the right word. I prefer the word “transform”. That’s what I’m after—ways to transform your golf game.
And the more I have explored the more I have found such a big “disconnect” between all these professionals. One has no idea what the other one is doing. They all work in their own silos. You have to piece this all together but if you had someone who had at least a knowledge about this information could really propel your game to (I believe) unheard of levels.
See, it’s the compounded power of all these that make a difference. It’s not just one thing. It’s all of these often small changes working synergistically that produce HUGE improvements in your golf game.
This is big. Really big. A few years ago a wrote a post about Jon Fitzgerald’s wonderful film, called : Best Golf Film of The Year: The Back Nine. Go find and watch that film. The film is about Jon’s quest to become a pro and shows you ALL the various dimensions he explored trying to get the most out of his game – from fitness to mechanics to state of the art equipment and more. It really shows the type of professionals he had to employ to get the most out of his game.
Sure, you could go out and hire each of these specific knowledge professionals separately but for the average golfer or even the serious amateur it is just not time or cost-effective. So what’s one to do if you want to make a serious commitment to your game?
My answer is: I don’t know. It’s missing. I’ve have been fooling around with trying to come up with a thorough assessment process to help diagnose your golf improvement and how to identify certain patterns in golfers who are seeking excellence in their golf game and who want that extra edge. Patterns that would be unique to YOU. Nothing canned or generic. It would never work that way.
Nothing is really finalized at this point but I’m curious if I’ve totally lost my gourd or if others are interested in hearing more. Let me know on Twitter @golfdash

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