Here are some of the best golf instruction books you can find. They are books that I seem to constantly refer to and they never disappoint (unless I’m playing bad and they ALL disappoint!)
The newest is Brandle Chamble’s book, Anatomy of Greatness, which I am finding very interesting. Not what I initially thought it was going to be.
Let me know your favorites in the comments below or lets chat about it on Twitter @golfdash.
1. Golf My Way
I mean who would NOT read an instruction book my the greatest golfer ever?
Written in the early ’70s, Golf My Way, by Jack Nicklaus, is the first of the truly modern instructional books, mixing physics and kinesiology with theory and technique.
Great stuff in this book about proper fundamentals, creating a strong mental game and using strategy to your advantage.
It’s a book I learn something every time I pick it up.
Get it here: Golf My Way
2. Harvey Penick’s Little Red Book
The lessons and stories in the Little Red Book were collected by Mr. Penick over a lifetime of golf instruction (and which he never intended to publish).
In this book the famed teacher of Tom Kite and Ben Crenshaw shares his wisdom in page after page.
There is something so simple and so true in his instruction and insight. If your game has your mind (and your swing) wrapped up in knots, this book is the best medicine you can take.
Get it here: Harvey Penick’s Little Red Book
3. The Anatomy of Greatness
Love him or not, former professional and popular Golf Channel analyst, Brandel Chamblee, got a lot of things right in this book.
In The Anatomy of Greatness, Chamblee explores the common swing positions of the greatest players throughout history—and reveals how those commonalities can help players of every skill level improve our own games.
He explores and tears apart (through a ton of visuals) a lot of the so-called “modern swing” tenants and gets us back to a golf swing that is relaxed, powerful and built to last. Definitely my new favorite golf instruction book.
Get it here: Anatomy of Greatness
4. Getting Up and Down
Gee, not sure I should be recommending this after Tom (as we all know) did NOT get up and down to become the 2009 British Open Champ (hey, give hima break – he was 59 years old at the time!)
However, Getting Up and Down by Tom Watson, has some of the best short game instruction you will EVER find.
Many, many tips and techniques are now part of my game and has helped bring it to new levels thanks to my now very coffee-stained copy of this terrific book.
Get it here: Getting Up and Down
5. The 7 Laws of the Golf Swing
I have read a TON of golf instruction books through out my golfing career but, for me, 7 Laws of the Golf Swing by swing coach Nick Bradley really stands out.
The illustrations are what really make this book. They are imaginative, fun and instructional all-at-once. It becomes easy to really visualize what Nick is trying to explain.
It’s actually hard to explain the power of them and how they can improve your game. Just pick it up and you’ll see what I mean.
Get it here: The 7 Laws of the Golf Swing
6. Ben Hogan’s Five Lessons
Ben Hogan’s premise in the 1957 classic is driven home in bold letters: “THE AVERAGE GOLFER IS ENTIRELY CAPABLE OF BUILDING A REPEATING SWING AND BREAKING 80.”
Hogan’s detailed analyses and famously illustrated demonstrations of grip, stance, posture, and the two basic components of the swing make up Five Lessons.
I have always been (like many others, I suspect) fascinated with the mystique of Hogan, his “secret” and legendary work habits. Who knows, maybe you’ll find yoursecret in this classic book?
Get it here: Ben Hogan’s Five Lessons
7. The Impact Zone
The Impact Zone by Bobby Clampett is another gem that should most definitely have a prominent place in your golf library.
His book is all about where the rubber meets the road—IMPACT.
It’s increases your understanding of swing dynamics so you can get in the best position to hit the ball consistently solid at impact (and doesn’t want more of that?)
Get it here: The Impact Zone
These are some of the best golf instruction books out there in my humble opinion. They unfold with new insight almost every time you pick them up.

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101 Ways to Increase Your Golf Power is a jam-packed resource of methods to dramatically produce a more powerful golf swing that results in; increased distance, solid ball-striking, more fairways and lower scores.
Includes: select golf drills, golf training aids, golf exercises, golf exercise equipment, golf swing keys, golf equipment, golf visualizations, golf nutrition, even “out there” techniques for increasing your golf power and distance. Get it here.
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