In my opinion there is really nothing better than watching these old Ben Hogan swing video clips. There is just something quite mesmerizing about watching the beauty of Hogan’s swing.
I really believe that sometimes these simple (in theory anyway) swing mechanics are the secret to a solid, repeatable and fundamentally solid golf swing. But we are so busy looking for these “magic pills” that we instantly put on blinders when it comes to fundamentals.
The fundamental of starting the swing with your lower body (or from the ground up) is essential for a solid, powerful golf swing. Keep trying to practice THAT. Nevermind about the new driver or latest golf shaft. Work diligently on them. They will pay off.
I saw a recent interview with Bruce Springsteen and someone in a newer band was asking him about the secrets of his success. He said, “It’s in the doing” that you find the magic. Not the thinking about it. More doing. More practicing.
“Digging it out of the dirt” really was Hogan’s secret. It’s in the practice, in the swinging, testing, experimenting, being creative. The, at times, on your ride home (from the range) or another quiet time you just might get that quick insight on what might work. Hogan, I’m sure, knew this.
I think that’s one reason he loved practicing in solitude. So he could quiet his mind and just let his feel and intuition guide him.
So below is the video you need to watch 100x a day. Really? no – just kidding, but there IS something to be said about watching and trying to emulate a move that the great Ben Hogan is advising. I’ve watched this so many times it’s not funny.
I just recently purchased the Ben Hogan Swing Collection DVD set band I HIGHLY recommend it. Also the Ben Hogan, “Five Lessons” is a classic. Tim Ferriss calls it one of the best books ever on organized learning. If you want to check them out the links are below.
Ben Hogan’s Five Lessons: The Modern Fundamentals of Golf

Want LESS tension and MORE effortless power in your golf swing? Then check out our new, Free 53 page PDF expanded version called:
101 Ways to Increase Your Golf Power: Massively Increase Your Golf Swing Distance and Hit It Straighter and Farther Than Ever Before
101 Ways to Increase Your Golf Power is a jam-packed resource of methods to dramatically produce a more powerful golf swing that results in; increased distance, solid ball-striking, more fairways and lower scores.
Includes: select golf drills, golf training aids, golf exercises, golf exercise equipment, golf swing keys, golf equipment, golf visualizations, golf nutrition, even “out there” techniques for increasing your golf power and distance. Get it here.
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